Have you thought about the myofunctional Therapy Exercise? It's more than just a fancy word. It's a kind of treatment that has proven successful in treating a range of myofascial disorders that can affect anyone of any age.
Benefit 1: It's simple
In reality, myofunctional therapy is as non-invasive and destructive as any other available treatment. These exercises are completed within a couple of minutes, and you can practice them any time, such as while waiting to collect your children from school, while watching TV or while cooking. The most important thing is repetition. Although every patient is unique, the ordinary course of myofunctional therapy will begin to yield noticeable results after six months.
Benefit: It helps improve and reduce the time required for orthodontic treatment.
Many people who wish to improve their dental alignment feel uncomfortable having braces due to the social stigma of having them at this stage of life. Myofunctional therapy allows you to use fewer braces or to avoid them altogether. This makes it easier for the jaw to accept an orthodontic device that is a removable treatment, like those clear aligners made of plastic used for Invisalign treatment. The ability to remove the appliance allows you to easily take care of your teeth and keep the highest standard of hygiene.
Benefit: This could aid in relieving sleep apnea & oral and facial muscle
People suffering from untreated sleep apnea will eventually be at an increased risk of developing stroke, heart disease as well as depression, diabetes and. Myofunctional therapy is an excellent option in treating sleep apnea. Myofunctional orofacial muscles can help strengthen the tongue, mouth, and neck muscles. It is also effective in thus preventing the collapse of soft tissues that can occur in sleep. When the muscles are more robust, they can keep an airway open during sleep.
Benefit: This could make you look better
Yes, myofunctional therapy could alter your appearance. If you breathe through your mouth almost all the time, this could change your appearance, reducing dental arches and lengthening the facial structure. The best oral rest position allows nasal breathing to be encouraged, which will eventually alter the shape of your facial appearance. The younger a patient gets when they begin myofunctional therapy, and the more significant facial changes will occur.
Beneficial 5: Myofunctional Therapy is effective for nearly everyone
And we do mean everyone. While this kind of therapy is best suited to teenagers and children, adults can also benefit. The body is constantly changing and transforming itself.
What is a Myofunctional Therapy Session Included?
In every Myofunctional Therapy session, the patient will learn up to three or four workouts designed to address specific structural problems. The first session is relatively easy, and the exercises become more difficult with each visit. The investment in time is minimal in comparison to the advantages.
tongue and throat exercise
A tongue that lies downwards and forwards is due to a narrow palate and the lack of a lips seal. Therefore, instead of the language being in the correct location (at the highest point of mouth), it will rest on its side and push forward while swallowing. This is referred to as tongue thrusting swallowing.
If this problem persists, the issue will lead to an increase in muscle tension in the tongue muscle, which could cause various problems ranging from digestive issues to tooth movement. This is why it's so vital to fix the tongue malfunction or frequent misuse by using Myofunctional Therapy to promote proper dental and facial development.
Myofunctional Therapy could be necessary to correct the effects of malocclusion or a condition where the upper and lower teeth don't align properly. It creates a secure setting for the bite following the treatment has been completed to promote proper dental and facial development. To successfully treat a patient, the orthodontist needs to know about the neuromuscular force connection with malocclusion. In addition, malocclusions could affect breathing.